Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Examples of good composition

As promised, here are some pictures to help lead the way in your assignment this week.

The picture below would be an example of leading lines. The center line helps the viewer move through the picture.

Here is an example of pattern. Like I mentioned in class, sometimes a broken pattern works very well too.

Another example of leading lines.

Here is an example of getting low to clean up the background. If I shot from ground level, the number of distractions behind this scene would probably give us all a headache.

Here is an example of using the rule of thirds in a vertical picture.

This photographer used the top third to make this dynamic picture.

All the important elements in this picture are arranged using the rule of thirds.

This is a good example of composing and waiting. This photographer likely found the background for this photo first, then waited for the right scene to occur.

Another good example of using the rule of thirds.

Someone in class asked what a macro lens would do. This is a good example of that. A macro lens allows a photographer to focus us small objects at close range.

This is a good example of the photographer composing and waiting for the right scene to unfold. The photographer fills the frame with important information.

This is a good example of framing. It is also a good example of composing and waiting. This photographer likely picked the background and waited the goodness to happen.

Good use of rule of thirds.

Great example of framing.

Good example of leading lines and rule of thirds.

Good example of symmetry.

Good example of finding the background and waiting for the picture to happen. Compose and wait. Keep all the distractions out of the frame.

Example of symmetry.

Getting low allows the photographer to clean up all the distracting elements behind the subjects, and only include what is important to the photograph.

Example of repetition.

Example of how getting up high can clean up the distractions that sometimes show up in the background of our pictures.

Not composition related, but these photos of the same scene demonstrate how light can change just by changing your angle.

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